I Love BLOggiNg....

Catch me if U can!!

Friday, June 27, 2014

Get to know the ropes

Do you still remember the first time you were introduced to the internet?

Do you still remember sites such as, lycos, infoseek etc?, who would forget yahoo, we all had that as our default search site before, right?!

It is all too often said that in order to effectively find what you need online you have to go to websites that will allow you to find information on the internet. Google became our friend, yahoo's still there but for some reason people would rather use a site free from all clutter.  Little did we know that these confusing disordered jumble of things, are the perfect ingredients of the internet.

Even call center agents would agree that the knowledge base they use to assist their customers, was founded on the same idea as search sites are.
To use a search tool efficiently, you must try to be as precise as possible. For example, let's say you want to find a recipe for "chocolate fudge ice cream cake". If you  search on "cake". You'll get a list of over a million. If you are a little more specific and enter "chocolate cake ice cream" you narrow down the list.
There are also instances when you would need to type the synonym of the word. This can be very helpful if you run into trouble, when looking for something, example you type "beginning", instead of "origin". You can also type "start" instead of "history". Not rocket science ei!?

There may  be times when you search on a simple word, and then end up finding a song, a rock group etc. The next thing you know, you've been stuck on you tube for an hour. 
You can also tell human behavior when it comes to stereotyping, just by searching the internet. Try searching on "lesbian", don't be surprised to see pornographic links.. after Ellen Degeneres.. tsk!.

For what it's worth, my parents and the 95 year old guy who complained about a DSL provider on the internet are even internet savvy. Implausible.

■■Random Me■■
Before I was promoted to aTrainer, I wasn't sure if I'd be able to carry out the roles and responsibilities of the position. Each time I go to sleep, I ask  help from God to give me courage to move on. 
The tasks I have to do everyday have different levels of challenge, some are easy, mostly difficult. It's a good thing I'm lucky to have a supportive family. Joanne, inspires me all the time. For some reason, even the thought of my hoe-foe, in as much as I didn't want to, worked it's wonders, positively.  I plan to eradicate the latter thought soon, let's just say it's a, work-in-progress.

Going back to my career, Joanne and I as mentioned in my previous post, started with eBay in the same month of last year. Yesterday, we celebrated eBay's first anniversary. 
I hoped we were together, watching the performances.
I miss her at work.

Here's a picture of the cake our team made. Awi, my teammate designed it together with the new PRTs (the Powerpuff girls).
I was also lucky to have been given the opportunity to handle a team for another program. The team cornered me at the end of my shift and gave me a bracelet, together with heartful comments.
The mini plastic shredder, was a token given by the program who borrowed me to train their agents for Culture and Communication.

I just received a text, that Joanne sold her car and her TVs.
We can only use them until monday. I'm so happy that we found buyers, at the same time I'm scared. This is the start of something new, but also something sad. God grant me the courage I need, iloveyou!
I guess this I can say, is the highlight of my day.

Use it or loose it!

There is some truth to the saying "use it or loose it". I remember when I was a kid, my mom would always say "Sige bahala ka, pag hindi mo ginamit yan, for the Glory of God mawawala yan", which means "It's up to you, if you don't use your talent for the Glory of God, you will loose it". I would just ignore what my mom, after all I don't think God would be that rude to take back my talent. I never believed her until I was stunned, when I heard Joanne's cousins sing. They were so great beyond expectation.

I forgot I used to sing when it was my turn on the mic, I can hardly make a tune.  
I used to believe that my voice was the be-all and end-all each time me and my friends hang out at videoke bars, at least for them it is. They would always let me sing each time they hear someone who sings well.I remember them calling me in the middle of the night, persuading me to sing at a videoke bar, just so that they can outwit a group who thinks they can sing well. I remember using singing as my excuse, so I can go out with my friends at night, my mom would stay up late and wait for me to tell her about what happened when I sang etc. Sorry mom, but believe me most  of the stories are true. 

I know I may sound like I'm  showing excessive pride in something. I just believe, that  everyone is amazing and it's sad to hear someone to say they're not good at anything. Everyone has beauty, but not everyone sees it. I'm just proud of the beauty of the beauty I found in myself, I found that beauty because of my family and my relatives, my friends just attested to it's greatness. 

Anyway, I think I just really need to practice. I no longer sing after work, or sing to start my day, I even for get to thank God for the day, unlike before. There are just so many things that I would like to change. I'm going to start now. A few months from now, I see myself making my own album. Singing the songs I love and songs for keeps. I have a lot of songs in mind, reason why I made a list of the ones I decide to add on my album. 

I love the new me. I was in the dark because of FB and then it hit me. I have to start living today, from now on I have to get out into the world again and do what I used to do..singing and writing, I feel like flying.

My random me portion is not available for this post is not available. Because, the main post was all about me.  

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Do we have to see a doctor to have our house in order?

Don't you just hate it when someone decides for you when they shouldn't and then leave you alone when they mess up. This world is a gold mine, just like an ore there are a lot of things rare but hard to find. If Herman Knaust, thought of a use for depleted mine, well this means, everything useless in this world can still be useful.

Sometimes I wish I'm hell as smart as Einstein, people never cared about him until he discovered the theory of relativity. Why is it that we just have a few physicists when they are conceived as smart people. Is it because  we would rather want to achieve something and succeed the easiest way?

It was observed that 5 years ago,the HRM course  started booming into a trend. There's even this misconception about Hotel Restaurant and Management students, that they are pretty, handsome and elegant. The used to misconception about nursing students for being smart. Is no longer part of the whims and fancies of high value. Is HRM just following nursing's  footsteps. For whatever its worth, I'm still happy that I am taking up Law. It's taking me long to complete it but, at least. It's not just a popular fad. There are some people I know though who would think of it as something fashionable, my breakouts can attest to that.

If you understand how each paragraph is linked.
Well I think, I just found someone who thinks just like me..deep.

■■RaNdom me■■

Sharing with you Kathlyn's video.
My first time to actually see someone else's sonogram.

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Notes of Gratitude

To form  your character you have to repeat an action into a habit.
Habits they say and character form your destiny. Now, if you want to change your destiny, you can do so by changing your thoughts.
Easy right?, or is it just too easy to say?
Have you read the book "The Secret"?. (I still want to retrieve that book from an ol' friend. But, the way I see it that would be very impossible).
Anyway, the book is about how our thoughts can communicate with the universe, that thoughts can change the universe, especially your universe.

This year, I will make sure I buy a Rhonda Byrnes collection. I have to keep a copy of her books and never let it slip away from my shelf, again!, not even for one.
There's something about books that makes you love it so much, the smell is one of them and the magic that it has. For some reason, wherever I am, each time I read, I imagine myself as a unsung character, standing or sitting at a corner, watching the events start to unfold. I know this may sound funny, but sometimes I even picture myself as the author's secretary, the lazy-snoop-prier one though. But, I make the best coffee, I gotta keep my master wide awake to continue his absorbing thoughts.  Don't you just love a dragging book.

So back to "The Secret", have you ever observed your habits or asked yourself about the things you normally do, things you are bound to do, or particular actions that you do either daily, weekly etc.
You know yourself, better than anyone, people who forget who they are, are usually those who tend to focus on pleasure or obligation. Which means, that if you claim you might not know yourself anymore, just think of what your daily actions are, actions are driven by your thoughts or at least associated by it,
Identify them, once you have established them, filter the habits you choose to change, write down a thought that you want to happen. For instance, smoking is the habit you want to change, what you want to happen is to live a healthy life, write down that thought and say it everyday for, (I would say it for 22 times everyday). It's just like when you are taking a test, have you ever tried reading a question over and over again until you eventually remember the answer?, that's because the first time you read it, the brain didn't receive much impression of what has been presented and this is another reason why you should not concede to first impressions. I suggest you use first impressions for perception management, as it works with all types of culture. How? I'll tell you about it,soon. Arrivederci!

■■Random me■■

The following are notes of gratitude that I receive from my colleagues. Since, I now am a boarder of the internet. I would rather hoard a copy of them, softly. (goodbye big-fire-hazard box, thanks to the internet, a preventive, fir-flapper)
Wicked is my favorite musical. I just skimmed through the book. I plan to read it soon, but don't want to buy one. Anyway, Joanne and I watched it together in Manila, at the CCA complex. It was an unforgettable experience.

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Tuesday, June 24, 2014

It's hard when your finish line is running away from you.

Go for your dreams, reach your dreams, follow your dreams.
These  usually are the lines we hear about goals or success.
3 weeks has passed, since the time we decided to start our lifetime plans.
We may not have been making much progress just yet.
But, we're getting there..

■■Random Me■■
The pictures were taken when we were at  the Verve.
Last saturday we decided to relive our plans.
We would rather do things little by little everyday.
I know that..
We'll get there and I know we will, with God's help.

I do not drink, but when I do, I drink my favorite drink.
_×_× KURANT 7_×_×

I'd better write longer posts soon :) .
I feel more comfortable this way.

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Different faces of HER

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Everyone is a potential winner.
I'm no longer part of everyone...
Because I am a winner!

And my life is a kaleidoscope of you!

■■Random Me■■
At MOA - Nido Discovery , video taken by Joanne. I know I look kinda fat here. This was before my cleanse!

♥uJoanne :)

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Monday, June 23, 2014

Selective justice is not justice at all

Sandiganbayan: Jinggoy Estrada to be detained with Bong Revilla

Jealousy is an ugly thing up close but all the more is stealing. I hate the fact that we have politicians who feel that they can get everyone's buy in by using culture as a devise.

The whims and fancies of using ol' Philippine culture, if you think that's your assertiveness tactic, honey are now... sailing in the seas.  
Music can no longer mellow people and forget about everything, we are no longer kids. 

Surrendering was a good idea. Just leave everything to the hands of justice. The merits of the  case are already there. Yes! I believe in Philippine Justice. Especially, when it has teh support of people. Imagine how a potential treason can turn out into People's power in just a few hours. ONLI IN D PILIPINS.

You may be loved by some. I, honestly used to feel impressed by how you were all able to level up and maintain your reputation. 
I voted for you both! and I partly feel guilty that,I,  just like the others gave you power to rule over us. Well at least, not for long.

◙ RaNdom ME 

I haven't been eating rice for 2 months and started with this change after my Master Cleanse. Which I did for 10 days. It was the most challenging thing I have done so far for myself. But, I did it!
I am looking forward to doing it again soon, before Joanne will go to the states. I think, the reason why I had to go the clinic in the middle of my shift, while discussing in class, was because of my long lost allergy, I need to boost up my fiber. If ever, this would be the next challenge which I have yet to take. A which I'm not sure would start anytime soon. 

Today's my 9th day in CCT. Wish me luck and I also hope that my mom will soon be able to complete my grandma's requirements. I'll do my best to help. 

I'm Back :)

Hhmmm... 227 post before I post on Facebook, is really challenging.
But, I'm up for the challenge. I guess I just want to have a break from the hustle and bustle of Facebook.
And now that I have a chance to, I'm sure hell  gonna take advantage of it.

I love writing, writing opens my eyes to view things the unconventional way.
It serves as avenue for me to grow from within. I get to know myself better. I learn to look at things at a different perspective.I feel like each time I write, I minimize my worries. It's so amazing and unbelievable because, I feel like each time my brain starts babbling words and phrases, the clouds in my head just gets cleared out, and yes! I feel like I'm in the zone again. As if I'm isolated in a four cornered room without a roof, my thoughts and ideas forms a spark at the end of my pen, the scintilla radiates like each wave of ray pushes each other ascending to forever.   

Things will change and it will change for the better. And if the others think I'm giving them a headstart by doing this. Leave it be.. as long as I'm happy. 

RanDom Me!!

A lot of things happened and  a lot of things changed. Joanne no longer works at Convergys, she resigned 3 weeks ago. But, believe me it's for the better, and I'm so excited that a new chapter of our life will begin soon. My dreams of becoming a Lawyer is something that will still happen. If not now, I would still say in the future.