I Love BLOggiNg....

Catch me if U can!!

Saturday, April 04, 2015


So just lately I've been taking alot selfies. Some are cute, some are not.
But, if I were asked to choose which selfie would I want to look at 30 years from now.
I would choose this. Why?
- cute shoulderkerchief, crutch, lally.
- project root canal.
- ldr wait and bait.
- sleep collapse joanne
- the "LEAVING" room faucet has been on for months.
- done with closets, no longer want to be a stranger in my own house.
- pile of baskets low on greens $
- sunny , money?
- book  pending .. sharma.
- pedestal wacked!
- room as well
- basilica with fiona
-shrek and daughter
- oil for whoof
... spitballing :)