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Friday, August 05, 2011

7 Effective Haggling Tips

Haggling or bargaining over a price is a type of purchasing which most of us do. But, if you noticed only a few has the haggling power. Have you ever felt like, you have to rush out of the store because, the salesperson might change his mind and take back the best deals you just got? Well if you are, the kind of person I’m talking about. I’m sure you’ll find yourself cackling and giggling while reading each tip.

How does it feel when you get a good deal? Does it feel like you won something? Or like you feel so amazing, that you can’t wait to tell your friends? or Does it feel like you’re so powerful because you were able to control the sale?. If you want to be one of those few people who has the power to haggle. Then let me tell you this, at the end of this article, you’ll definitely feel like you just got the best deal.

 To be a successful haggler you have to have a CAPE. This is just for the sake of this article. CAPE stands for; confidence, persuasiveness and eye contact. Use your cape, together with the following tips and you’ll get the best deal. These 7 tips are effective, especially if you are to shop at a clearance sale, bargain sale, garage sale, vintage or antique shops etc.

1. Closely  look at the product, search for scratches or damages, look at the design and evaluate on whether or not  it’s an old product. The reason you want to do this, is so you could tell the seller to at least lower the price of the item. Point out the damage or the flaw of the item and then haggle with the price. Don’t forget to use your cape.

One thing tried before was, I asked a saleslady how long they had the item on display, she said 1 month. I came back the following day,talked to different saleslady and haggled with price of the item, but since she can’t give me the deal I want. I told her that I’ve seen the item before,that it seems like no one notices it and since it’s almost been a month, she should give me the deal I want. She left for a minute talked to someone and then asked that we meet halfway, we both agreed on a certain price. I checked online and found out that the item costs, way more what I paid.

2. Show cash, instead of using your credit card, bring with you some change. It is important that show cash. Let’s say you want to purchase an item at a certain price and the seller doesn’t want to lower the price,you could tell them that you just have exact change. In that way you're showing them, that you can only afford a certain price. While hagglin, try to distract the refusals by constantly pointing out (No. 1). Use your cape.

3. Purchase more items. If it’s a new product you want to buy and you feel like it is kind of impossible to lower down the price, try to purchase more items. The reason you want to do this is, for you ask for a discount since. Tell them you purchased more items. Use your cape. If incase you fail, it’s okay there’s always a next purchase. Use your cape. 

4. Research on the suggested retail price of the item, little knowledge on the item would do. You have to update yourself with, the real price of the item you are purchasing. Some, would check on the suggested price of an item by visiting different shops.It's like, canvassing or you could check on the suggested price online. The reason you want to do this, is to be able to to advise the seller about the suggested price of the item. Haggle with the price you want or meet halfway. Don’t forget to grab your cape.

5. Dress right, for Haggling success. You don’t want to haggle for a lower price and look like you drowned in a pool full of gold and silver paint. You can’t persuade a seller, to believe that you just have exact changed when you look like chandelier. Even a 7 year old, would think you're just fooling around. You would look like the Grinch or someone who always wants to take advantage of anything. Worst scenario, instead of being called a haggler you might be mistaken for a harasser.
Try to dress humbly. Look pleasant and while your haggling with your cape on and smile at the seller.

6. Haggle with Care. This tip is similar with No. 5. Don’t haggle too much. If the price let’s say is $10 you have to sound realistic, don’t haggle for a $2 price. Sellers, sell for one reason- to gain from it. Be sensitive. Use your cape on and acknowledge their purpose. Respect their decisions and if you think it’s not a win-win purchase then proceed to the next purchase.

7. Choose the person to haggle with. Most of the time this works. If you’re a female and you would like to haggle on an item look for a male salesperson, use your wits with the preceding tips, put your cape on and haggle. Otherwise, if you’re a male try to work your way with a female. If you think the seller looks firm or strict, and you think the chances of haggling success is slim. Bring along a friend, whom you think could handle the haggling better than you can. Don’t haggle with your friend, this may annoy the seller. Instead, act as a mediator and you’ll definitely get the deal.

To Haggle Power.

Good Luck! Cape Man

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