I Love BLOggiNg....

Catch me if U can!!

Saturday, April 09, 2005


I know you're out there.  I'm waiting for you.
 I want you to know Im dreaming about you.
 I want you to know I haven't given up on finding you, my Mr. Perfect.
 Every day, I get one step closer to you, to us. I cant wait till we finally meet and this year of being single will all have been worth it.
 I cant wait, all the things Ill do.
All the little conversations well have, all the things I cant wait to tell you.
I want you to know Ive learned alot, and I think I can be the best lover possible.
 I can't wait for roses to have a meaning again, I can't wait to take you out to dinner and obsess over the way you pick at your food or hold a glass.
 I can't wait to talk to you till 4 in the morning and lose sleep cause I cant get enough of you.
 I can't wait for  you to utter that famous phrase I met a girl.

I know you're out there, and I know youre looking for me.
I know you're looking for Mr. Right, and while Im nothing close to perfect I promise I'll give you everything I have.
I'll put my soul into you, I'll make up for all the nights of waiting,
 I'll make up for coming into your life so late.
We have a lot of catching up to do, we have so much ground to cover and so much still ahead.
I can't wait to begin my life with you.

I want you to have faith until we find each other.
I want you to believe that love is possible.
 Even if you've been like me, crying into the godless moon, making small puddles on pillows.
 I haven't given up on you, and hopefully, you haven't given up on me.
 Hopefully you'll still smile at me when we finally meet.
 Im just around the corner, Im just a day away.
Please my dear, dont give up hope of us meeting.
Don't close your heart when we finally do.
I fear this letter may reach you too late, I fear it may never find you at all.
Which is why I blindly write this, to encourage you when your faith is perhaps thin from too many nights alone.

I am here, I am suffering in loneliness also.
Patiently waiting for that phone call or that chance meeting.
 Patiently waiting to start our life together.
 I know youre out there, and I cant wait.
I'm going to spoil you, to make up for having no one to spoil.
I'm going to love you, to make up for having no one to love.
I'm going to be that perfect lover I always talk about.
 I'm going to be the amalgamation of all my prior loves.
All lessons learned, all experiences condensed.
I'll be everything I was, plus everything Ive learned while being single for so long.
All I ask is that you let me be the lover I am; let me touch you, let me love you, let me be everything that is dying to get out.
 Let me bring you into my world.
I know you're out there, and Im patiently waiting.

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