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Thursday, June 26, 2014

Notes of Gratitude

To form  your character you have to repeat an action into a habit.
Habits they say and character form your destiny. Now, if you want to change your destiny, you can do so by changing your thoughts.
Easy right?, or is it just too easy to say?
Have you read the book "The Secret"?. (I still want to retrieve that book from an ol' friend. But, the way I see it that would be very impossible).
Anyway, the book is about how our thoughts can communicate with the universe, that thoughts can change the universe, especially your universe.

This year, I will make sure I buy a Rhonda Byrnes collection. I have to keep a copy of her books and never let it slip away from my shelf, again!, not even for one.
There's something about books that makes you love it so much, the smell is one of them and the magic that it has. For some reason, wherever I am, each time I read, I imagine myself as a unsung character, standing or sitting at a corner, watching the events start to unfold. I know this may sound funny, but sometimes I even picture myself as the author's secretary, the lazy-snoop-prier one though. But, I make the best coffee, I gotta keep my master wide awake to continue his absorbing thoughts.  Don't you just love a dragging book.

So back to "The Secret", have you ever observed your habits or asked yourself about the things you normally do, things you are bound to do, or particular actions that you do either daily, weekly etc.
You know yourself, better than anyone, people who forget who they are, are usually those who tend to focus on pleasure or obligation. Which means, that if you claim you might not know yourself anymore, just think of what your daily actions are, actions are driven by your thoughts or at least associated by it,
Identify them, once you have established them, filter the habits you choose to change, write down a thought that you want to happen. For instance, smoking is the habit you want to change, what you want to happen is to live a healthy life, write down that thought and say it everyday for, (I would say it for 22 times everyday). It's just like when you are taking a test, have you ever tried reading a question over and over again until you eventually remember the answer?, that's because the first time you read it, the brain didn't receive much impression of what has been presented and this is another reason why you should not concede to first impressions. I suggest you use first impressions for perception management, as it works with all types of culture. How? I'll tell you about it,soon. Arrivederci!

■■Random me■■

The following are notes of gratitude that I receive from my colleagues. Since, I now am a boarder of the internet. I would rather hoard a copy of them, softly. (goodbye big-fire-hazard box, thanks to the internet, a preventive, fir-flapper)
Wicked is my favorite musical. I just skimmed through the book. I plan to read it soon, but don't want to buy one. Anyway, Joanne and I watched it together in Manila, at the CCA complex. It was an unforgettable experience.

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