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Friday, August 05, 2011

7 Effective Ways on How to Quit Smoking

Have ever wondered why smokers have a hard time to quit smoking? If you are a smoker, I’m sure you have read or heard a lot about the effects of smoking, I’m sure you have seen a lot of daunting pictures in dire need of attention. Even Tobacco companies, warn smokers by putting warning labels posted either at the back or at the front of cigarette packs. Even a doctor who smokes gives advices to their patients to quit smoking. Laws have been passed with the purpose to control and minimize health risks.

Did you know that although numerous advertisements are seen everyday, Tobacco companies still earn millions each day? A number of smokers die each day, that being said, did you notice these Tobacco companies express at least a slight act of remorse? While Independent organizations such as  Foundation for a Smokefree America and Anti-Smoking-Campaign-in-the-Philippines, give their time and effort to help smokers kick the habit of smoking, you can find online websites or blogs, which give tips on how to quit smoking or post stories about how someone became successful in beating this traitor habit.

 To tell you the truth, I was a smoker myself. I have been smoking for almost 10 years and I had to hide it from my family and relatives especially my parents. Worst of all, I didn’t notice I was smoking almost a pack a day. Until now, I feel awkward talking about this part of my life. I’m kind of scared about what my parents would say if ever they read this. Well I guess, I’ll just have to tell them if ever, that I handled it. We all have our own weaknesses same as we all have our own demons. Everything depends on how you can handle it.

You are lucky you’re reading this article. They say the best way to kick the habit is Hypnosis that’s 8 letters. I’d rather cut it down to 7 letters. The best way to quit Smoking is SMOKING.

Stop – This word may sound generic. But Stop means like pausing. Try to meditate and think of why you would like to quit smoking. Envision yourself successful in battling the habit. You may also want try thinking of someone who was able to overcome the withdrawals of smoking and make them your inspiration. In my case I thought of how greedy this Tobacco companies are. It’s as if I feed them and in exchange they give me something that would devastate, worst - kill me. I also thought of the additional time you could have on your hands, doing something more productive or relaxing instead of taking smoke breaks. After you thout of your main purpose or reason for quitting smoking, try reminding yourself everyday, of your purpose, each time you crave. A person can’t just quit for no reason at all so find your reason.

Measure – This may also mean, asking yourself. How much sticks of cigarette can I smoke in 1 day, if I were to lessen it. It may be hard to measure, because most of the time you smoke when you’re stressed, so it really depends on your day. But, when we say measure, this mainly pertains to gauging yourself. There are actually 2 options you could choose from; Would you rather quit by minimizing the number of sticks you could smoke in 1 day? or quit instantly?. If you have been chain smoking for more than 20 years, and you would like to quit smoking instantly. I would suggest you talk to your doctor first or better yet minimize the number of sticks you smoke in a day.

Overpower – Overpower means, overcoming your cravings to smoke. The best way to overcome your urges to smoke is, to think of a fallback. If you feel like smoking, think of something that you know may keep you busy, a new hobby would do. When I thought of quitting, I bought a journal where I can keep an account of my cravings or urges to smoke. I remember, I always write down how I feel, each time I crave. I also include, the time and then summarize the number of cravings I had for that particular day. Each time I write in my Craving Journal, I remind myself of the main reason why I decided to quit smoking. Here’s something I found out, If your able to overcome the first urge to smoke. You would definitely beat your 2nd urge to smoke and so on. Amazin isn't it?. Domino Effect!

Kudos - With every craving you overcome, be proud of yourself. Praise yourself and be happy that you beat each craving. You can also celebrate by treating yourself, just as long as it’s not lighting up a stick of cigarette. Try to feel like it’s already a success, becaue it is and you deserve something.

Involve other People – Talk to your friends, family or a close relative about your progress. Involving them with your progress is like your implying yourself to continue the process of quitting smoking, this may also mean like assuring yourself that you are decisive to change. This may also build self confidence and with their reactions you would know they care.

Neutralize – Since you are battling your cravings. Instead of allowing yourself taste and savor the nasty flavor of nicotine. Why don’t you treat yourself with the taste of fruits, salad or candies. Not only are they nutritious and delicious, but they also play a big role in neutralizing your crave. Smoking and nicotine makes food less pleasing to the taste.

Graduate – Before you know it, your progress in day turns to a week, weeks turns to months. Gradually you will find yourself able to beat the odds of smoking. You then Graduate from your cravings and urges to smoke. Eventually, you made it!

Good Luck! Leave a comment if you find this Helpful

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